Intra continental mobility of African students: South-Africa, a quality leader!

Blog article

The african continent represents more than one mobile student out of ten world-wide with 373,000 students in international mobility resulting in a diploma in 2013. Out of the 51 African countries, 7 countries group more than half of mobile students world-wide: Nigeria, Morocco, Algeria, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Tunisia and Kenya.

Despite a rapid mouvement of diversification of destinations chosen over the years, France remains the clear favourite of the destination chosen by African students (according to UNESCO) with 133,893 students enrolled in France in 2015 approximatively 43% of the students hosted for study mobility purposes. At a border migration zone level, Europe is without surprise the favourite destination for african students althouth a drop in the proportion of students received from 57,4% to 49,1%, i.e. 22,000 fewer students between 2012 and 2013 (-11%).

Intra-continental mobility is the first to benefit from the decline of mobility in Europe. The african continent continues to soar (19,9% compared to 14,7%) and will no doubt consolidate durably its second position. Countries that feed this intracontinental mobility with the highest rates of mobile students remaining on the continent are: Leesotho (93%), Swaziland (89%), Namibia (83%), Zimbabwe (74%) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (57%).



                                    The African countries benefiting most from this intra-continental mobility are: South Africa (48%), Ghana (14%), Morocco (10%) and Tunisia (7%).


South Africa - Regional Higher Education and Research Center


South Africa ranks second in the host countries with 33,053 students in the received in 2013, approximatively 9,5% of the mobile students of the continent.They are mainly students from geographically closed English-speaking countries (Zimbabwe, Namibie, Botswana, Lesotho...).

The reasons why some African students turn to South Africa are numerous:

- The quality of its publics universities

The 7 first universities of Africa according to the ICU site (International and College Universities) are South African (1)

- Administrative procedures for obtaining a visa less complex than for European or American Countries

- Lower standard of living than in Europe

- A world class touristic destination

Welcome to Cape Town!! :)




Source: http://ressources.campusfrance.org/publi_institu/etude_prospect/mobilite_continent/en/note_16_hs_en.pdf

(1) Top Univerities in Africa

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